mr. gurlitt's father was responsible within hitler's regime for taking and apparently destroying what thealled degenerate art. a lot of that was art at the early 20th century. some of the gurlitt family didn't destroy, but kept. now, on from there. cornelius gurlitt actually collected a lot of art. now, we're talking, as you said in your introduction, over a thousand pieces. and we know that there are a lot of lawyers involved, and that there are a lot of -- well, some relatives anyway, some distant and some not so disand the. there is a danger, i would say unfortunately, that the whole thing could be tied up in legalities for years and years to come. but from what i understand, the agreement made with the art museum here in bern and the german government is that everybody will work very hard to make this process go quickly, so that those who do have a genuine claim do get their property returned to them. but that the spirit of mr. gurlitt's bequest to an art museum in a neutral country, that was part of it, is also followed through. >> we're talking about pieces by picasso. has there bee