mr. guzman, you pass. good luck to you.thursday. >> okay. >> passing means the patient is ready to return to court to stand trial for his crime. atascadero state hospital with its razor wire and guard tower stationed along the perimeter looks nothing like a hospital. no one here talks about curing the patients. instead, they talk of medication, and a lot of it, enough to keep these patients from hurting themselves and others. this is where california sends its criminally insane, those who will be released and those who will never be free. >> people who are probably watching this will find me to be a very distasteful and unpleasant person to be around. the only thing i can say to you is simply this, if i don't get up today and tell you exactly what these people look for, exactly what i look for, exactly how it works, then the next child that gets molested is my fault, because i didn't do my share to try to stop the next guy who needs help. >> i don't look at it as working in madness. i look at it as working where we are able