hampton where he slept under the , boardwalk, goes on his journey, he gets to hampton, and he remembers the lessons taught by mrs. ruffner about how to clean, and he says that was my entrance examination. in terms of the building blocks, we have first the sense of discipline, hard work, ethics, etc., the lessons that mrs. ruffner taught him. then he meets a man. a colonel, right? remember him? armstrong? what did armstrong teach him? >> [indiscernible] >> the dignity of labor. why was it important to see labor in a dignified way for people of african descent? yes. >> slaves were these physical bodies at were only fit for -- that was something that frederick douglass talked about. labor was dehumanizing. slaves were these physical were only fit for physical labor, so they learned that labor was something to be ashamed of and shy away from and to booker t. washington uplift the race had to show that labor was something to be proud of. >> labor, being distinguished from toil, in a sense, with you working, but not benefiting from that labor. plus you have no vested interest in that labor because someone else is gett