mr. haney? yes. murase yes. six ayes. >> president mendoza-mcdonnell: thank you, all, who came out to speak on behalf of this measure. we look forward to working with you on this. next item is section l, board member reports, standing committee. we've had no meetings taking place since the last school board meeting, our regular board meeting, so we don't have any reports on standing committees. board delegates, membership organizations? anyone have anything, anybody went anywhere over the summer? for any of the committees? any other reports by board members? >> commissioner murase: i'm sorry, i did attend the csba leadership institute in july, where jim ryan presented on our algebra -- our math sequence and some of the stunning results of moving the 8th grade math requirement from 8th grade to 9th grade. there is a lot of buzz in how san francisco was able to decrease the failure rate in algebra from 40% to 8%. including among subgroups. so it was great to see him. one of his last responsibilities with the schoo