mr. harney owns the property on union street, colored green, which is contiguous to the 1945 hyde street project. i'm going to put up a plan of the areas circled. the apartments on the top floor of the union street building face directly onto the roof top of the present raj, the area colored pink on the plan shows the proposed extent of the new top floor addition. the blue area on the plan shows the proposed roof terrace, and the dashed line shows the proposed overhang. if we look at this photograph taken from the present rooftop, the two windows on the right, as you can see, will be completely obscured by the new wall, which is a scant two feet or so from the face of the window, and then, the -- to make matters worse, the overhang projects an additional 6 feet, putting the rest of the light well, which has other windows on its, in shadow during the day because this is the south bay. [bell rings] commissioner olague: thank you. >> good afternoon. i own 1221 union street, which i recently purchased. my big problem is i need to go to my tenants and tell them they have a wall in front of th