sanctioned members of syria hassad's family and accused yria -- iran is among the biggest supporters of the syrian regime providing soldiers and mr. hassad.nd boling green n kentucky. the r: i'm disappointed in president, he's compromised integrity, time for republicans speakerch mcconnell and paul ryan to step up to lead the prosecution and independent commission. 'm also not sure it is a good idea to your point on syrian olicy to be arming the kurds due to the fact turkey is one of isis ghest places for recruits and i think that compromises american integrity as well. host: did the president's statement about his treatment, think? you caller: i think it is time for him to get over himself and to the focus back on the people and build his team leadership at is also house and it time for senators like mitch mcconnell to take a stand and political games. host: that is matt call nothing the republican line n. case you want to see the president's, to there are other things you can find there, as well. the house of representatives in to conduct its business for the day. and then don't forget on the side, there is going to