mr. speaker, it's been reported today in a couple places. my friend, brietbart's online news -- a.w.r. hawkins. another is from "the washington post." two different ends of the spectrum, perhaps. both reporting the same thing. this administration, through secretary hillary clinton, is going to announce that it could care less what congress has ordered about helping the enemies of israel, about helping those who are terrorizing and persecuting christians in egypt and destroying churches and eliminating freedom of religion and are saving they want to rethink their peace accord with israel and setting themselves up to be the enemy of israel and now this administration, knowing that congress passed a law that says you can't give people money in egypt unless you can certify to certain facts. and they cannot. not honestly. if they do so now with what we know publicly, we know they will not be honest in doing so, and they're going to get $1.5 billion. not in humanitarian aid, according to this story. not food. military aid. so forget all of those speeches that this president gave that aipac and, oh,