hello, mr. hayes. hello, mr. hayes. >> miss maddow, how are you? >> good, thank you. s.t.a.r.t.of don't ask, don't tell. what do you think passes? >> well, you know, january 4th is the expiration date on the congress. harry reid seems to be quite serious about working through that. the new congress starts january 5th. up until the stroke of midnight on january 4th, this congress is in session. harry reid wants to squeeze all the juice out of it as possible. what's going to pass? the tax cut deal i think. i don't think it's a sure thing. it's more likely to pass than not. not a sure thing. you're starting to hear rumblings from tea party types on the republican side of this about a backlash against the deal. it will be interesting to see how that plays out in the house. dadt, don't ask, don't tell, repeal is right, right, right on the razor's edge as we saw. the dream act i think is probably short of the votes it needs to pass. at least it was a few weeks ago. i don't think anything changes in the interim. the s.t.a.r.t. treaty looks like it has the votes to pass. if you talk to