mr. daily to represent the san francisco bay area and our james herman crew here. we'll be delegating and approving peter daily to attend this conference. >> commissioners, is there, commissioner adams? >> i support peter daily but also i would like to for my fellow commissioners and for the public, saturday, the star frances was in and when we have one of our first crew ships in, it didn't turnout too well and director moyer got very nasty e-mails. the crews terminal was 6 hours leaving and some people missed the bertha call. i find that highly unacceptable. but there were also other issues to have to be worked out. i spent four 4 hours down at the terminal and i talked to the iow which was my union, i talked to the m it -- metro crew and want to understand what steps are taken that people come off this ship and have a friendly experience in san francisco and we get peoplen and off. that day 2500 people got off and on without any incident at all. because we are trying to sell our port, i think it's the best cruise terminal in the world. they asked if san francisco