mr. herned pointed out before. i know it is small. if you look at the top, i put an arrow next to -- defined as formula retail. this is the -- the zoning control table for an n.c. 2 district. retail sales and services is specifically listed, as are all of those other things that have an arrow. all of those things under it, 711-40, they are just types of retail sales and service. what planning is doing there, absolutely mistaken, when they describe retail sales and service as a catch-all for things that are not listed, they are wrong. that's what 711-40 is, other retail sales and services not listed below. when you add up all of these different specific uses plus sales and services, all of that together is we tail sales and services. that's what the -- retail sales and services. it applies to a, and a means everything. b. c, d and e. what they are asking you to do is ignore a. they are telling you to read this law as if it does not cover retail sales and services and if given the findings and the purpose of this law, that is absolutely