mr. hoeven: mr. president, i rise today to speak in support of repealing obamacare and replacing it with a step-by-step choice that restories -- restores competition to consumers. the problems have been reported here on the floor of the united states senate. i know we've all heard from our constituents, hundreds of thousands have written and called all of our offices. as a matter of fact, i'll read one of the letters that came in to my office, at least part of it. it's addressed to me and it says, it starts out, "i'm sure i'm not the first one to contact you about rising health insurance deductibles. i've had this job for three years. the first two years my company plan had a $3,000 yearly deductible with no co-pay. $3,000 yearly deductible with no co-pay. last year it went to $4,000 with a 20% co-pay. it goes from $3,000 to $4,000 in annual premium -- deductible, excuse me. and go from no co-pay to a 20% co-pay. this coming year, 2016, it will go to $6,700 for the deductible with a 20% co-pay. so in