bloom and our, aye, mr., yarmuthaye, p mr.ascarell, mr. honda, mr., ms. wasserman schultz, ms moore, ms, caster, mr. schuler,ms. bass, ms, bonamici, mr. chairman, no. on that the, ayes are 11 and the no's are 22. >> the amendment is not agreed to. a recognize the gentleman from new jersey for a motion. >> i move that the bill should pass them up all those in favor? the ayes ghave it. it rollcall vote is requested. >> mr. d, jarratt mr. simpson, mr. campbell, mr. kelberg, mr. aitken, c mr.ole, dr. price, mcc mr.lintock, mr.chaffetz, mr. sttuzman, mr. lankford, miss black, ri mr.bble, flores, mr. mulvaney,mr.hewlscamp, mr,. young, mr. amash, mr. okida, mr. ginta, mr. woodall, mr. van hollen, ms. schwartz, cap ms.tor, mr. doggett, blu mr.menauer, ms. mccollum, mr. yarmuth, mr. pascarell, mr. honda, mr. ryan, ms. wasserman schultz,ms. moore, ms. caster, mr. shuler,ms. bass, ms. bonamici, mr. chairman aye. mr. amash? no. under the ,ayes are 21, the no's are 13. >> the motion is agreed to. a quorum is president. ms. schwartz says best for a letter from the bill