mr. huizenga: thank you, mr. chairman. i want to know which other committee would like their process to be short circuit the ways and means committee? i've not been happy as a maul business owner or things like that. or the ag committee. how about any other committee we are all dealing with? the fact is, my subcommittee, monetary policy and trade, where this has jurisdiction, had three joint hear wgs the oversight committee on this particular issue. there was a sunset put in, it was intentionally put in, so that there would be a review. the review happen and the determination of my subcommittee and this committee was that it did not warrant further action system of again, as we are looking that the tool that's been infrequently used, it doesn't restore regular order, as has been claimed. in, in fact it up ends the balance of power in the house. it skirts the committee process and gives the minority control over the house floor. a discharge petition was brought to the house floor under the guise of job creation. in reality