mr. hummel. feel how cold i am. when you can't move, the blood stiffens. i'm gonna die soon, i know that. but there are one or two things i've got to do, before i go. it's horrible. don't--don't leave me. i'm tired. i'm lonely. i haven't always been like this, you know. i've an interminably long life behind me. oh, interminably long. i've made people unhappy. people have made me unhappy. but before i go i want to see you happy. our destinies are wedded through your father and in other ways too. let go off my hand. you're draining my strength, you're freezing me. perhaps you would be so good as to go in and introduce yourself to my daughter? i have a little business to finish with mr. hummel. a superb young man. musician, singer, poet. if only he would have noble stock. my peer, genealogically, i wouldn't set my face against having him for a... for a what? my daughter. your daughter? you're talking of her? why does she always sit in that room? she feels a compulsion to sit in the hyacinth room when she is not out of doors. it is a quirk she has. mademoisell