mr. hurley is a line prosecutor, and we never make line prosecutors, um, available. that is every attorney general that i know has followed that policy. mr. cunningham no longer works in the justice department, so i don't have the ability to compel him, um, to testify. he left the justice department, i think, this past monday or -- >> you asked him to leave, i guess, didn't you? >> no. >> oh, you didn't? >> no. >> he left on his own after he took the fifth amendment? >> he had planned to leave well before he invoked his fifth amendment privilege to take a job this privacy practice, or a company. >> as i understand it, the ig has 80,000 documents, and you've given us 6,000, so whether we're talking about 93 or 80,000, this committee has asked for those and has not gotten them, and it appears as though we're being stonewalled, and there's something that's being hidden. let me ask you another question. have you apologized personally to the whistleblowers who were, in effect, called liars by those within your own agency when we now know they were telling the truth and th