. >> i have a question, mr. hwang. >> what determines whether a permit is required for the tree trimming and require a permit? at this point? >> i do believe, that there is an upcoming appeal for the tree removals of such of the area, however, i am and i know that tree trimming on the whole does not require a permit. and >> sorry to interrupt. is there a certain threshold that then requires a permit? >> for the tree trimming, no. what we, believe that the website is clear that they should contact a arborist of how much can be done without damaging the tree, for the tree removals there are significant requirement as it relates to the certain trees and that is off of the public right-of-way. and if there is the trees to be removed in the public right-of-way, a permit is required by the department. >> okay, but if it is not in the public right-of-way and on the private property it does not require. >> there are certain thresholds that need to be evaluated and i think that the urban forester, at some point, later discusse