actually, i was going to ask mr. hyams that if you didn't include this formally that our consultant had, if you didn't officially do it but for this lafco and internal uses of san francisco as far as our concluded in our plan is that could you possibly look into those recommendations and provide us with those things like the timeline as was recommended by our consultant. i still think those recommendations are worthy of actually being answered and also being addressed. i am -- you know, it is concerning i think that our consultant mentioned it was such a short timeline and they realized that clean power was out of your hands. i think because of the short timeline and you weren't able to incorporate some of these recommendations in, i think that it is a good move for lafco moving forward to have our own san francisco lafco integrated plan and recommendations inse inserted to our own internal uses plan. that is piggybacking on what commissioner pollock's request was. i guess in more of a formal way and not as informal, that