mr. ionin, if i may have the overhead, please. those of us who are vintage 1950s, this is what the street looked like back then. that's not a bread line. those are people waiting to buy tickets at the then new mission theater. and next door we had hale's department store. [speaker not understood] army street, now cesar chavez, division street. that's the 12 ocean avenue down there. we also had quite a few cars back then just like we have today. so, that's something that's not new. what's happened in the interim, however, is we've seen decline in the area. 10 years ago it looked like that. that's the frontage. and the property owners on that block at that time formed the business improvement district, ask that business improvement district just cleaned up that street. the whole purpose of that was to invite investment. and we could not be happier than to have these two organizations come and invest, and i'll pull a number out of my hair, $60 million. if i'm off i'm not going to be off very much by what we're talking about here. if