mr. isakson: mr. president, in a few minutes, in fact, in about 19 minutes, the senate will exercise one of its constitutional responsibilities of advice and consent on the appointment of a judge to the circuit court of appeals for the 11th district in the united states of america. we will be considering a recommendation of president obama of miss jill a. pryor. i want to urge all of my colleagues to vote favorably for miss pryor, a lawyer from the city of atlanta and the state of georgia, a grout nominee and a great appointee. as i make this recommendation, i want the chamber to know loud and clear that i praise the president and his staff, particularly kathy rumler, for the job they did in coordinating with senator chambliss and myself and seeking advice and consent to come up with a series of appointees to the district and circuit courts in georgia. jill pryor is an outstanding lawyer and an outstanding attorney. a graduate of washington and l lee, she graduated from yale university and was editor