mr. jacobson, who was not by any means known to be involved in politics or zionism or anything else, found himself to be among the most american --, not in america at that time. perhaps one of the most important -- in history, because he found himself with that opportunity, that closeness to power, that the most eloquent speakers for zionism simply didn't have. and he made one request. he made the request that his friend, the president, the most powerful man in the world, meet with signed weitzman, who i'm told that harry truman first called him because, of his inability to understand that the language at the heart which is not uncommon american challenge. let's not we shouldn't simplify history. presidents don't make decisions because their friends ask them to. and credit for that decision belongs with the president. the presidents have to face a multitude of affairs, both political, moral and what is in the best interests of their country in the world. but we should have no doubt that at that critical moment in time when that meeting occurred, that a role been played by mr. jacobson, whe