mr. jeffrey chester now is the executive director of the center for digital democracy. mr. charles d.corran is. that how you pronounce that? is executive director of network advertising initiative. and mr. scott cleland is the president of the precursor, llc. again we want to thank the witnesses for their patience and for their appearance before the subcommittee this morning. it is the practice of this subcommittee now that we will swear in all the witnesses. so will you please stand and raise your right hand? >> do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? >> let the record reflect that all the witnesses have in the affirmative. -- have responded in the affirmative. and now we ask the witnesses to enter into opening statements. and mr. felten, you are recognized for five minutes or thereabouts, ok? so hold the mic in front of you, turn it on and let her rip. thank you. >> thank you, chairman rush, chairman boucher for the opportunity to testify today. my name is edward felten. i'm a professor of computer science and public affairs at