mr. john lowell, mrs. mari hunter and mr. jay lee for your service and your advocacy on the committee and for your interest in applying again. it's really great to see new applicants, mr. ivey, i've seen your application, super impressed, congratulations on your upcoming graduation to berkeley. that is an immense accomplishment and to already be so involved in pedestrian safety issues and working, i think that's really important and in the future i would love to support you, particularly as someone who could represent public health organizations. i do think it's really important that our representatives live and walk in the city and county of san francisco. it's something that on a daily level i think that you just cannot take that experience away. representing our residents. but i think that it is really important for us to work very closely with our public health organizations, with our injury and trauma centers to figure out how we can more effectively address this issue. which also is a huge budgetary impact on the city a