mr. julius is is this going to be workable we're making a trade we're moving space to the back and we're taking space away from the front and i would assume the plan is an equal amount of each we don't want less space in the bedroom it is constrained will this work for you. >> i don't think it's a good idea all the letters we got from the neighbors are the first letter said it will impede my view it will impede my view and when kate connor respond it is about light that's the only thing that's regulated and everyone changed their story and said oh it's a dark alley and not enough light not enough light i really that that making us reengineer this for a jog in the bedroom from all but argument from the neighborhoods that have been generously about view and not light 14 montgomery and hodge's they're a much taller and higher than this building i think that is a quiet a punishment to this project to have to push that back to accommodate that the arguments i don't think that have basis. >> it sound like it is feasible to do it though that's actually my question commissioner moore do you have