mr. kauffman, for leaving his job as colorado state treasurer to do a tour of duty in iraq. the experience of our service men and women in this congress is invaluable. i applaud them and appreciate their efforts. i want to call on mr. rooney one more time to discuss specific issue that prevents all of us being here tonight, that being the fact that an amendment has been placed on a military funding bill that is not germane. would you care to elaborate further? then i'd like to yield to mr. thompson. mr. rooney: the bill we originally sent to the senate was just a clean war funding bill the president asked us for and we delivered as a house of representatives to the senate. unfortunately, one of the things -- and i did not serve in politics before running for congress so all of this is new, but by the time it came back from the senate to us, it had an additional amendment on it which included funding for the i.m.f., which is basically us borrowing money from somewhere else or printing money to loan it to another country. and that might seem ridiculous to a lot of people that