mr. kenney mr. street.reate thousands of new jobs. what will you do as mayor to see the growth of philadelphia as an energy hub?jf >> i don't have any problems m u using the energy hub anákq developing the energy hub. my problem is that we can't continue to have more emissions and more pollution in the city. the fact of the matter is that this is the dirtiest city ine1 pennsylvania and it's oneñ2ñd of the dirtiest cities in america. we can't continue toxd putty missions out there. we need the jobs. we have toñ1 work witht( the jobs. but we should look for alternative fuels and alternative opportunities to make sure that wep keep our city clean. yes, we have to work on what happens. but you've gote1 toe1 understand this is an ads and meds city. keeping our economy going. if we want to train the next work force you have got to look at the eds and meds. it's at the navy yard university of pennsylvania temple university and center system that's all you have. if you want to bring people into got train them. able