there's no fear by people like mr. kern. there no fear by people like tom huey because you want to know what happens when they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar? we do exactly what mr. keith said, we get that corrupt official out of the city government. most of the time, i'm deeply offended because they actually leave with their retirement. and so the actual message to people who are doing this stuff and who are that morally bankrupt saying hey, i can do this, are the worst thing is i can lose my job if i made enough money being a crook, it might be a risk worth taking. most of them don't go to jail unless, you know, and who ever thought i'd be saying to the praises of the federal bureau of investigation, the united states bureau is involved. there's no culture, if you touch that plate, it's going to burn you and your family. the culture is you're just going to get shown the door and you're going to leave in the middle of the night and nobody's really ever going to think about you again and that is a culture that i