mr. khrushchev for survival. mr. khrushchev is in new york, and he maintains the communist offensive throughout the world because of the productive power of the soviet union itself. the chinese communists have always had a large population. but they are important and dangerous now because they are mounting a major effort within their own country. the kind of country we have here, the kind of society we have, the kind of strength we build in the united states will be the defense of freedom. if we do well here, if we meet our obligations, if we're moving ahead, then i think freedom will be secure around the world. if we fail, then freedom fails. therefore, i think the question before the american people is, are we doing as much as we can do? are we as strong as we should be? are we as strong as we must be if we're going to maintain our independence, and if we're going to maintain and hold out the hand of friendship to those who look to us for assistance, to those who look to us for survival? i should make it very clear