mr. kildee: i will do that. these groups of young people who come from all across the nation represent what is good about our country. to become a page, mr. speaker, these young people have proven themselves to be academically qualified. they have ventured away from the security of their homes and families to spend time in an unfamiliar city. through this experience, they witnessed a new culture, made new friends, and learned how our government operates. as we all know, the job of a congressional page is not an easy one. along with being away from home, the pages must possess the maturity to balance competing demands for their time and energy. in addition, they just have the dedication to work long hours and the ability to interact with people at a personal level. at the same time, they face a challenging academic schedule of classes in the house page school. you pages have witnessed the house debate issues of war and peace, hunger and poverty, justice and civil rights. you have lived through history. you have se