mr. kimbrough say after i left? - plenty. - i'd certainly like to know what's going on up there. - me too, that's the friendliest looking war i ever saw. (audience laughs) - you may make a good assistant buyer, but you're a sloppy bridegroom, get in step. (audience laughs) - i am in step. assistant buyer! - that's right, after taking inventory, the competition threw in the sponge. - you did? (trips over feet) (audience laughs) - steady going. - my shoelaces, i forgot to tie them. (audience laughs) why did you quit? - i found something you can never do better than i can. - what's that? - be a bride. (audience laughs) (crowd applauds) - i've never seen betty look so happy. - or the man. (audience laughs) (crowd applauds) - [betty] don't act so happy. least you've become a problem to you. - uh oh, what now? - [betty] you're supposed to kiss the bride. (audience laughs) - in front of all these people. (audience laughs) - that's what the program says. (wedding music) - it will be a pleasure. (wedding music erupts) (crowd