mr. kimura, as you are referring to these stats, are they in this report? >> yes, they are. it's throughout the report. >> would you be able to point out the page? >> i don't have a copy. >> it's okay. it's just easier to follow. >> on the front page is a summary of the recommendations on the front page. >> okay, thank you. >> um-hm. and just one of the main points i wanted to get across again, majority of the complaints are regarding staff treatment or the way staff is interacting with clients. the second area is regarding facility and access issue. as you may know, there is worker currently between [speaker not understood] woulder working to improve access into the shelters. and then the facility -- part of this is with the staff treatment and the facility, the conditions is again with the standards of care and a lack of training that the staff receives. part of that is due to a perceived turn over of the staff that works at the shelters. however, the training is still, in my opinion, at a minimum of what they can be taught. also, just so you know, for instance, a recent c