i'm mr. kip want to reiterate we want to have this continued because seems like right now the legislation there are loopholes that need to be addressed before it is a complete legislation i mean do we want to pass legislation just to be convenient and then 4r5ir7b9d we realize other people are having problems then to fix the leak you know we should have a more holistic approach and this is an amendment not a new legislation and we also would like to think about you know the verbiage and language of this legislation because we think about it about take a look tobacco permit we're trying to amend the tobacco permit application the number 45 e cigarettes they're less than than under permits they need the have those permits and conditional use permit they have to file for now conditional use is democratic in nature you have to go through the public hearing through the commissioners and there's a whole you know like a year process for this thing when you go into cigarettes and e cigarettes the 45 numb