within the limits of what mr. kokerdiscussed with decentralization with the fact the president or prime minister should not just name the others? it should be a broader discussion to democratize structures which would benefit the kurdish population? that should be plan b if you try not to talk about the terrorist organization during golfing where political reasons? >> i know it is hard to change the terrorism label. stop use the term all the time and see what happens. down the road at, ed drop it. if we drop the label a i think that e.u. and united states would follow. it is up to turkey. with decentralization i think the kurds could settle for a lot less what to the pkk wants to be a party of negotiations i agree. if we did have the is confidential negotiations we could have common ground. it is not too late to to do something serious. >> if you plan to participate in the discussion, moved to the microphone. now you have said there will be an alternative and the event -- event has mirrored that talking about the elemen