kathie: thank you, and mr. kotz. >> when i was asked to be on this panel what did we learn from watergate and you've got five minutes to talk about it, before i left home yesterday i asked a neighbor, can you help me with this, what did we learn from watergate? and she told me, don't break into anyone's office. and if you do, don't get caught. [laughter] that's what she learned. i'm going to talk for a few minutes about the news media. the press, what have we learned and not learned? i'll tell you up front, the answer is not much. and i want to give you a contrast between that time and the -- in the press and today. in 1967, before any of you were born, i was playing handball one day in the gym in washington, d.c. with a young legislative assistant to a congressman. the legislative assistant was ed mezvinsky in his mid 20's. the congressman was neil smith. he is a very persuasive guys. he said you've got to get those records. the agriculture department has records showing that there are dirty meatpacking plants all