mr. kranser's testimony this morning from our colleague mr. waxman. be entered into the record. i also ask that a similar response rebutting mr. kranser's characterization from the sierra club cited this morning also be entered into the record at this time. >> no objection. >> i thank you the chairman. >> mr. howard? >> thank you, mr. chairman. my name is robert. a member of cornell kufrt since 198 5. i'm here as an individual. the opinion ice express are informed by me research conducted at cornell. i've worked on the consequences of environment pollution including the effects of oil and ga gas development since the mid-1970s. i was invited to present that information on the consequences of hydraulic fracturing and i'll try to briefly do so. hydraulic fraction sb not new, we just heard. the process existed for decades but its existed in a small scale using small volumes of water. what is up in is the combination of high precision directional drilling. the new combination uses 50 to 100 times more water than was ever used in fracturing until a decade or so ago. 5 million gallons