mr. krinkie by 9:00 am, he'll give us a full page of publicity in tomorrow's paper. you may tell the members of the garden club, mr. timberlake, that george wilson will be alert and vigilant. now, tonight, when this shy flower feels the darkness and slowly unfolds its rare beauty to the unappreciative night, i shall be here with flashbulb and camera ready to preserve it for posterity. oh, you mean-- that's right. oh, me? oh, mr. timberlake. a member of the judging committee. oh my. [music] here's your nerve medicine, george. oh, thank you, martha. yes, i'll need it to calm down. this is the most exciting project. i'm sure it is. well, it means a lot to the garden club. of course it does. and you notice, my dear, i'm leaving nothing to chance. i'm using two cameras. you always were thorough. well, that's the mark of a successful photographer. so, if everything goes smoothly and something doesn't come out of-- dennis: hi, mr. wilson. --left field. hello, dennis. dennis, now, don't you come any nearer. you stand right where you are. okay, mr. wilson. you can take my pict