president chiu: mr. kwan has made suggestions to amendments.ess there is any discussion, can we take a resolution to be adopted as amended? same house, same call. without objection. resolution is adopted. thank you. why don't we now move to our committee reports, and 25? >> items 25 through 58 were considered by the government audit and oversight committee at a regular meeting on june 14. there were four did. and 25 is an ordinance authorizing the municipal transportation agency to extend the existing contract with serco . president chiu: same house, call? this ordinance is passed. could recall all of the mou's except for item 54? 48 and 54. colorado items 26 through 47. 55 through 56. most of them. >> items 26 through 47 and 49 through 53 and 55 and 56 are implementing arbitration awards, implementing or establishing the memorandum of understanding or the ordnances adopting and implementing our rigid memorandum of understanding between the city and various unions, the international committee of engineers, the union of american physicians and d