can we just bring mr. kwan back up from dpw to answer more clearly what kind of notice do you usually give to residents that have serious concerns about a project and why weren't they notified? apparently they were not before this hearing between june and now. >> supervisor john kwan for the department of public works once again. the issues raised by the citizens related to this directors' hearing that we had, okay, involve certain review and by the design team in this case, they engaged a design professional who made the evaluation. we did not receive that package until mid to late august. it took us time to review. by the time we completed the review, it was already in november and at that point we started packaging up the findings along with the legislation normally at that point we would then notify all the people who had attended that director's hearing in this case. what happened is it appears to be an error, an oversight on our part, that we somehow did not inform them properly or if timely right after w