mr. lamontagne? montagne: the reason activity's down is, frankly, the workers of our tate are not given the opportunity to be as productive as possibility. overregulation by state government as well as the federal government has been cited as one of the major reasons that we have an economic recession continuing here in new hampshire. frankly, we are 30,000 jobs short of where we were at the time of the great recession. and we have to deregulate new hampshire in terms of the overregulation we have. part of my plan calls for that in a very specific and targeted way, and that'll help job productivity and worker product ivity. >> moderator: thank you. our next question comes from howard altschille, and it's on taxes. >> good evening to you both. if a pledge for income tax is right for today, why not for always? how do you reconcile your pledge against an income tax with your opposition to the constitutional amendment on this november's ballot that would write an income tax ban into the constitution? hass