mr. lanborune will sit here and talked about it to the best of my knowledge, either. he is basically now in a position where he's spending time trying to back off from the remarks. but he has not denied them. he basically stayed with his story. rather it was in the past or the recent past or the distant past, the fact is that he has done this. and i think if it was a made-up story, by this point, he would have decided to reverse points and hit. >> you've been through a lot in the military. after that kind of career, it seems to me that the world is sort of your oyster, at least in your field. the last thing i could imagine is wanting to surf with these guys in congress. could i just ask you what made you want to run? >> i think like most americans, we're all appalled at congress's ability to get much done. this is not a partisan issue. that said, it is time for the nation to step up and use the experience they've had in the military, also, mid four years in business, and bring that practical experience to try to get something done. >> democratic service in colorado ag