rules mandating some program of safe storage of weapons so that people can't be as careless as mrs. lanza seemingly was in leaving guns around where crazy people and criminals can get their hands on it? that's where the rule of reason has to enter in, and that's where it doesn't enter in. >> there was a surge of sanity on the part of politicians again after newtown. truth be told, and as we all know, very little has changed. how do you explain that? >> well, i think the extreme gun rights position, so called, some once called it "gun-damentalism" connects on a kind of spectrum to more normative attitudes. you have, as i said, reasonable gun owners. then you have the american consumer. the american consumer looks at the gun as it's a piece of property. the american consumer wants to use his property without restraint, wants to throw his plastic water bottle wherever he pleases, wants to drive a gas-guzzler, wants to play his boom box loud. which is a crude way to put it, and yet i think there's a lot to that. nobody wants to be bothered registering their weapons. take it a level down from