mr. latourette: no. mr. walden: come on. $380,000. $4 million for a new bike path trail in massachusetts so people can get to the north hampton taco bell. you think i'm making this stuff up. so there is a new slogan, bike to the border. if you like bike to the border. we know they are going to make it a crime to eat a burrito and ride a bike. forget the cheese if it's not from a free range dairy cow. this is $4 million for a bike path to the taco bell. come on. mr. latourette: you guys talked about the other stuff that's going on at the same time the economy continues to tank and people continues to lose their job, they continue to pile on. this health care discussion we had in the house, one provision says at taco bell, at every vending machine and every location you are going to have to have a sign next to it says not only what the thing is made of but whether it's good or not. i am not a healthy eater as you can tell -- mr. walden: you are a healthy eater. mr. latourette: i have a healthy appetite. it's g