rot in hell, mr. leija, because that's where you deserve to be. >> and -- >> i was deputy sheriff at kent county for about five years. i worked in training, i worked as a corrections officer. >> he once patrolled these housing units. now he stands accused of a heinous crime. love loud, live loud, polident. ♪ fresher dentures... ...for those breathless moments. hug loud, live loud, polident. ♪ thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! [sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! top chef.r. soccer. top chef. [whistles] soccer! top chef! [shouting] disco! [singing] say it and see it. the x1 voice remote, only from xfinity. >>> as a 25-year veteran of the kent county sheriff's department and the highest-ranking uniformed officer in the jail, captain randy demery has seen a lot. he says one thing in particular might come as a surprise to the public. >> one of the secrets of the corrections