difference between the first resolution and the second resolution, the key points aside from what mr. lenon had added - are other changes to what it is now? >> one of the major changes is that there is more opportunity and there are annual presentations to the board, one of which will be the back on the development of the plan. we will have a review process to go over the plan that will be before the board. that is in lieu of the previous report that was in the previous resolution that was due november 1. the timing was felt to be off on that. that is a big change that will enable the timing to be more timely. the new resolution and the alignment of all the activities are with the district's strategic plan goals. that is a little bit of a shift. also, a focus on advocacy and communications with the public. i want to say about the major roles that are articulated in the new resolution, which are in your power point. they are to review information on programming. this is different. before, it really focused on collecting feedback from the community and turning it into this report, which ended