leroy made. he became the leading conservative alternative warned republicans that mr. romney's pedigree would make it more difficult to push back against the income and equality argument that is the central theme of the strategy. here's the quote. there's no classes. he needled mr. romney for the term, middle class. the idea we're going buy into the class warfare argument of barack oh what should not be part of the republican lexicon. leapt's hear from missouri now. marissa on the democrats' line. good morning. >> i'm so grateful for c-span. they're the shining light. you guys are single handedly keeping demock are a sip alive in america. i have a couple of things. number one, i hear these republican candidates saying building the infrastructure will not help the economy. that's completely untrue. in red bud, montana, they built a rodeo grounds, a civic center, a pass up to cook city, a ski station and our economy still is completely dependent upon those things. so that's completely untrue that building public works program. let's give people jobs, not money. can you p