mr. lindell is also, specifically, the personal source of the claim, that former president trump reportedlyats to others and himself believes, lindell is the source of the claim that trump will be reinstated as president, this month. august 2021. that prediction, that trump will be reinstated, that among out of things led to this homeland security briefing that was sent to police organizations around the country this past week, warning them of a renewed potential for political violence in our country, by trump supporters who are, in fact, expecting trump to be reinstated as president in august because the guy from the pillow company says it's true. and trump believes that, so therefore, why should we all believe it? we beyond predicting that trump will be reinstated in august, the bull's-eye he has painted is actually getting smaller and more sharply defined. this, week mr. lindell convened this cyber symposium in south dakota where he said he will finally reveal the incontrovertible data that shows that trump won the election. the white right-wing watchdog patriot takes which recorded this