mr. litton, first. so let's put you on spotlight. welcome, and thank you for your patience. >> thank you very much for your time. first thing i must say is i congratulate the board, and not just the board, but people working with the board for your patience, your perseverance, and your professionalism. you guys really go through a lot. to go through quickly, my life and i have lived at 1115 silver street for 25 years. we are the property directly to the north. i had hoped to have a little daylight so you could actually see the situation on camera, however, i'll proceed as best i can. first of all, in looking at -- first of all, it started out -- well, i won't follow my script -- i'll follow my script. the legal description on the application states three-story occupancy and one dwelling unit. in fact, it's a three-story building and two dwelling units, and there is somebody who owns -- or a couple that own the building jointly with the applicants. in item 16 of the application, it states, exterior addition of a roof deck over existin