mr. ludwig made the point that research is one of the parts of dodd-frank. missing today is the director of the office of financial research and it's been placed under a very complicated 17-member committee. so i think that we really have to adress the need to measure and publicize the cost taxpayers incur in supporting national and international safety nets. this will be the job of the office of financial research but it needs to be assigned to them in this way. i think also the authorities to do this conscientiously in the long run, governments need to train the -- change the way they're trained and incentivized. >> mr. ludwig. >> three things. one, i lament the fact that we don't have a single prudential supervisor. dr. stiglitz advocated for that early on in the clinton administration and it has not yet -- the countries that have done better, australia, canada, and japan had a single focused and professional prudential supervisor, i think that would advance the cause in this country markedly. i agree with dr. kane that education for financial soup visors