mr. luellen, i'm [speaker not understood]. i'm a member of the pacific avenue neighborhood association. i'm the panel chair for the 1531 jones street project. i'm a native of san francisco. i was born and raised in chinatown. so, this permit calls for a vertical extension of 13 feet. it allows a four-story penthouse addition of 1200 square feet to a three-story six-unit apartment building 38 feet 9 inches raising the building height to 50 feet. there is no fourth floor penthouse of 1200 square feet addition to any original three story six-unit building that exists in the hill area period. the 50 feet height shadow study confirm diminishing access to the sunlight benefits on the streets and back yards of 160 buildings. allowing a garage will result in a loss of two street parking spaces, leaving only two to serve as the fronting of 12 rental units and the neighbors. we propose the 555 alternative to the sponsor to allow a more acceptable modification of his original plan. he turned down this attempt to accommodate. in conclusion, i find the project does not fit in the following manner. t