. -- i'm sorry, mr. maass just gave about, for example, soliciting for contribution at safeway, you know, for example, and under what circumstances would that notification as a commission member or a board member trigger a notice and a filing requirement. >> right. generally, it is for anything that would constitute a behest of payment, and that's because the recipient needs to know that a payment is a payment, otherwise that recipient will probably not be aware of the fact that they're receiving behested funds, and then, they probably won't be aware that they need to file under the recipient requirements. >> commissioner chiu: but the filing requirement at the part of the recipient comes at the $100,000 level. >> that's correct. >> you've had your comment. it's not a debate. [ inaudible ] >> you've had your public comment, sir. >> thank you, all of you, who have worked so hard in the staff, you have so much invested, and your own personal feelings and values invested in the that's been done. i'm nancy neilson