mr. madrick is badgering my witness. >> mr. forbes, mr. moore isn't even sweating, so sit down. >> quickly. quickly. steve, mr. forbes, the federal reserve has lowered interest rates drastically before, not just in the early 2000's. the early 1990's. if i still have the memory i had only 10 years ago, i could find a couple of other incidents. why didn't we have a great housing boom, why didn't we have a collapse and a near depression then? >> the federal reserve lowered interest rates in the 1990's but not on the scale they did in 2000. we didn't have a year of 1% federal funds rates. that was a brand new thing, that was artificial, nothing to do with the market. so if you looked at the federal reserve -- in fact, in past times, sometimes with the fed has lowered interest rates artificially, like the early 1970's, it was because it was printing excess money and setting the stage for horrors down the road as happened in 1974 and 1975. so yes, the fed has may have had -- this wasn't the first time the fed has made mistakes, but what compound